What Continent is Ghana in? | Where is Map

What Continent is Ghana in?

Which part of Africa is Ghana?

Ghana is located in West Africa, in the Gulf of Guinea. The landscape is mostly flat and the highest peaks reach just 900 meters. The south of the country is characterized by lush rainforests, while in the North dry savanna predominates. Ghana’s Volta Lake is the largest man-made reservoir in the world. The low rainfall brings with it dryness and drought.


Inhabitants 25.9 Million. (Italy: 60.7 Million.)
Life expectancy 61 Years (I: 80 Years)
Infant mortality 72 out of 1,000 (I: 5 out of 1,000)
GNP * * per capita 1,550 USD (I: 35,540 USD)
Literacy rate Women 83%, Men 88 %
Area 238,537 sq km, (I: 301,338 sq km)
Accra Capital
National languages English (official language), Akan languages (e.g. Ti
Religion Christianity (30%), Islamism (30 %), local religions

What Continent is Ghana in
What Continent is Ghana in

Which part of Africa is Ghana
Which part of Africa is Ghana

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