What Continent is Iran in? | Where is Map

What Continent is Iran in?

Iran, a territory of about 1,650,000 square kilometers, more than five times the size of Italy, is located in south-west Asia and borders on the north with the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azarbaijan, the Republic of Turkmenistan and the Caspian Sea; to the west with Turkey and Iraq; to the south with the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman; to the east with Pakistan and Afghanistan.

What Continent is Iran in
What Continent is Iran in

Is Iran part of Asia or Europe?


A series of massive mountains and deeply carved by centuries of erosion surrounds the inner plateau basin of Iran.

Most of the Iranian territory is located at a height of more than 450 meters above sea level; one sixth of it is located at a height of more than 1950 meters above sea level In sharp contrast are the coastal regions outside the mountain circle. In the north, the strip of land about 650 kilometers wide stretching along the Caspian Sea, never wider than 110 km. And that often narrows up to 15 km, falls sharply from a height of 3,000 meters above sea level up to 27 meters below sea level. In the south, a plateau about 600 meters high, behind which rise steep mountain slopes covered with vegetation and three times as high, descends to meet the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.

Is Iran in Central Asia or the Middle East
Is Iran in Central Asia or the Middle East


The Zagros Mountains range stretches from the border with the Republic of Armenia, in the northeast, to the Persian Gulf, and then to the east into Baluchistan. As it descends to the south, it widens into a 200 km wide strip. Of parallel mountains between the plains of Mesopotamia and the great central plateau of Iran. On the western side descend streams that dig narrow and deep gorges and irrigate fertile valleys. The environment of this area is difficult, difficult to access, and populated by nomadic shepherds.

Is Iran part of Asia or Europe
Is Iran part of Asia or Europe

The Alborz mountain range, narrower than that of the Zagros but equally striking, stretches along the southern coast of the Caspian until it meets the border ranges of Khorassan to the east. The highest of its peaks of volcanic origin is Mount Damavand, with its perennial glacier that reaches 5,580 meters above sea level At the border with Afghanistan the range is exhausted, to be replaced by sand dunes devoid of vegetation.


The arid inland plateau, stretching to Central Asia, is cut by two smaller mountain ranges. Some parts of this desert region, known as dasht, gradually turn into fertile soil on the slopes of the hills. Where there are springs of water there are, from time immemorial, the oases, which mark the routes of the ancient caravans. Characteristic of the plateau is an expanse of salt over 320 km long. and half as wide, known as kavir and carved by deep crevasses.

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