Where is Vaduz? What Country is Vaduz in? Vaduz Map | Where is Map

Where is Vaduz? What Country is Vaduz in? Vaduz Map

Firstly, Vaduz is a European country and the capital of Liechtenstein. Vaduz lies along the Rhine River and is on the Swiss border. Valley has an area of 17.3 square kilometers. Valley is a small but sympathetic city. Valley has a population of 5.429 people.

Where is Vaduz?

Therefore, These are the places to visit in the city of Vaduz. Schloss Valley, a magnificent structure built on the slopes of the Alps inhabited by Prince Hale, the symbol of the country and the city, was built on the foundations of a medieval church in 1874, the Vaduz Cathedral and the Liechtenstein Art Museum.

Quick facts

Population 36,713
Density 229.5 / km2 ( 594.3 / mi2 )
Language German
Independence Year 1806
Capital Vaduz (Vaduz)
GDP 5,487,773,452 (2012 data)
GDP per Capita 149,478 (2012 data)
Land Area 160 km2 (62 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries SwitzerlandAustria
Minimum Longitude 9.471
Maximum Longitude 9.635
Mininum Latitude 47.048
Maximum Latitude 47.270

Lastly, The ocean climate prevails in the city of Vaduz. Summer is hot in the city, winter is cold. The best time to visit the city is the summer. Since there is no direct flight from America to Vaduz, transportation is provided to the city.

Where is Vaduz What Country is Vaduz in Vaduz Map
Where is Vaduz What Country is Vaduz in Vaduz Map

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