Where is Slovenia? What Country and Continent is Slovenia? | Where is Map

Where is Slovenia? What Country and Continent is Slovenia?

Where is Slovenia? What Country and Continent is Slovenia?Where is Slovenia? / Where is Slovenia Located in The World? / Slovenia Map – Slovenia is located in southern Central Europe and is a country. It borders Italy to the West, Austria to the north, Croatia to the northeast, Hungary to the south and Hungary to the southwest, and the Adriatic Sea to the southeast.

Where is Slovenia?

Slovenia has a long history and has many architectural, historical and natural sites under UNESCO protection. Slovenia is governed by the parliamentary system. Slovenia is composed of 11 cities and 210 municipalities. The capital of the country and also the largest city of the country is Ljubljana. The official language of Slovenia is the Slovenian language. In addition to Slovenian, Hungarian, Italian, German and Croatian are also spoken in the country.

Quick facts

Population 1,996,617
Density 99.1 / km2 ( 256.6 / mi2 )
Language Slovenian
Independence Year 1991
Capital Ljubljana (Ljubljana)
Currency Euro
GDP 49,416,055,609 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 24,750 (2014 data)
Land Area 20,151 km2 (7,780 mi2)
Water Area 122 km2 (47 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries ItalyHungaryAustriaCroatia
Minimum Longitude 13.380
Maximum Longitude 16.610
Mininum Latitude 45.420
Maximum Latitude 46.880

The most common religion in Slovenia is Catholic Christianity. There are only a few Orthodox Christians and Muslims in the country. There are three different climate in the country. Alpine climate to the northeast of the country, Mediterranean climate in Primorska region, and continental climate in the rest of the region. Slovenia is among the countries requiring a visa. The capital city of Slovenia is Ljubljana. There are direct flights from America.

Map of Slovenia

Picture of Slovenia

Where is Slovenia - Where is Slovenia Located in The World - Slovenia Map
Where is Slovenia – Where is Slovenia Located in The World – Slovenia Map


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