Where is Bhutan? Located in The World? Bhutan Map | Where is Map

Where is Bhutan? Located in The World? Bhutan Map

Where is Bhutan? / Where is Bhutan Located in The World? / Bhutan Map – Country of Bhutan has officially name is Kingdom Of Bhutan and located In The East Himalayas. The area of Bhutan country 47,000 square miles. Bhutan has neighbors India in the West and South, China in the North.

Where is Bhutan?

The country managed With a constitutional monarchy. Bhutan which is divided into 18 administrative regions, and Thimphu is capital city of Bhutan. The official language of the country is Dzongka language. The currency of the country is Çetrum money. Also, spoken Chopsticks, Bumpton, wormwood and Nepalese language in the country.

74 percent of Bhutan’s country believed Vajrayana Buddhism, 22 percent of Hinduism, 1.9 percent Bön religious and the rest of people believed Christianity and Islam. Bhutan take tourist a limited number in evey years. Country of Bhutan is among the countries that require a visa. Bhutan which is one of the free countries in the world, have natural beauty and like this there are many places.

Quick facts

Population 716,896
Density 18.7 / km2 ( 48.4 / mi2 )
Language Dzongkha
Independence Year 1947
Capital Thimphu (Thimphu)
Currency Ngultrum
GDP 1,821,412,873 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 2,541 (2014 data)
Land Area 38,394 km2 (14,824 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries India, China
Minimum Longitude 88.770
Maximum Longitude 92.130
Mininum Latitude 26.710
Maximum Latitude 28.330


Map of Bhutan

Picture of Bhutan

Where is Bhutan - Where is Bhutan Located in The World - Bhutan Map
Where is Bhutan – Where is Bhutan Located in The World – Bhutan Map

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