Flag of Belize | Where is Map

Flag of Belize

Belize is a state of Central America bordering Mexico and Guatemala, located on the east coast of Yucatan, west of the Bay of Honduras; 22,966 km2; 307,900 inhabitants (2009).

The Rio Hondo separates it from Yucatan to the North, the Sarstun from Guatemala to the south; to the West the border is marked on Guatemala by a straight line led from the Rapids Gracias a Dios on the Sarstun to those of Garbutt on Belize and thence to the North to the Hondo, about along the Meridian 89°. The islands of Turneffe and Ambergris and the coastal islets and reefs of the Yucatan coast are among them.

Flag of Belize
Flag of Belize

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