Where is Sankt Gallen Located? What Country is Sankt Gallen in? Sankt Gallen Map | Where is Map

Where is Sankt Gallen Located? What Country is Sankt Gallen in? Sankt Gallen Map

Where is Sankt Gallen Located?

St. Gallen is situated in the district of Liezen in Styria. The nearest major town is Liezen (about 35 km away). A map, arrival information, current weather conditions and more information about 8933 Sankt Gallen can be found here.

What Country is Sankt Gallen in?

St. Gallen looks back on a long and eventful history. The numerous, silent witnesses from a time before this time have entered the city on Lake Constance the title of UNESCO World Heritage. At the same time, St. Gallen is the cultural centre of eastern Switzerland, a leading business location and lively student city.

Sankt Gallen Map

Where is Sankt Gallen Located? What Country is Sankt Gallen in? Sankt Gallen Map
Where is Sankt Gallen Located? What Country is Sankt Gallen in? Sankt Gallen Map

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