Where is Pilsen Located? What Country is Pilsen in? Pilsen Map | Where is Map

Where is Pilsen Located? What Country is Pilsen in? Pilsen Map

Where is Pilsen Located?

Pilsen is located in the Czech Republic (Okres Plzeň-Město, Plzeňský) in the time zone Europe / Prague. Places of interest near Dobřany, Nýřany and Rokycany.

What Country is Pilsen in?

Pilsen (Czech. Plzen), a city in the Austrian Empire, Kingdom of Bohemia after Prague, the largest city in the country. It is situated 320 meters above the sea, on the Mies, which receives the Radbuza (with the Angel) and the Uslawa and Beraun says. The city is the hub of the state railway lines Vienna–Gmünd–Cheb, Prague-plzeň-Furth im Wald and Dux-Pilsen-Eisenstein.

Pilsen Map

Where is Pilsen Located? What Country is Pilsen in? Pilsen Map
Where is Pilsen Located? What Country is Pilsen in? Pilsen Map

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