Where is Faiyum Located? What Country is Faiyum in? Faiyum Map | Where is Map

Where is Faiyum Located? What Country is Faiyum in? Faiyum Map

Where is Faiyum Located?

90 kilometers southwest of Cairo on the eastern border of the Libyan desert is the Middle Egyptian million-city of Al-Fayyum, which is the capital of the homonymous province. For at least 6000 years ago populated oasis city is located in the fertile, green Fayyum basin, and is heavily used for agriculture. North-west of the city lies the Qarun lake with 230 square kilometres of area, which is considered to be the remnant of the ancient man-made Moeris Lake. The maximum depth of the Salt Lake is twelve meters and is fed by the Nile River via the Josef canal, Arabic Bahr Yusuf. The four water wheels of the Josef canal are unique in Egypt and Symbol of the Region.

What Country is Faiyum in?

Every year on 15 March, the local National Day commemorates the victory over the British in 1919.

The city offers sights of the Pharaonic, Greek-Roman, Coptic and Islamic epochs as well as museums. Among the Pharaonic monuments, a 13-Meter-high granite obelisk. The Meidum Pyramid is considered the oldest stone structure of mankind. From the Roman period, the Hawara pyramid is nine kilometers southwest of Fayyum. The 58-metre-high structure was complemented by the world-famous Labyrinth described by Herodotus.

Faiyum Map

Where is Faiyum Located? What Country is Faiyum in? Faiyum Map
Where is Faiyum Located? What Country is Faiyum in? Faiyum Map

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