Where is Argentina? / Where is Argentina Located in The World | Where is Map

Where is Argentina? / Where is Argentina Located in The World

Where is Argentina? / Where is Argentina Located in The World – Argentina location South America and Its name come ‘Argentinnstan’ from word. It has neighbors Chili (in the west), Bolivia and Paraguay (in the North), Brasil (in the north-east) and Uruguay (in the east). Its location Drake Gate is south of country and South Atlantic Ocean in the east of country.

Where is Argentina?

Argentina country is one of the most advanced and wealthy in Latin America countries. Buenos Aires is capital city of Argentina and has officially Spanish language. Therefore, Italian and German language spoke in Argentina. Argentina has currency Argentina peso. The many of people in Argentina belong to Christianity religion. Also, There are rest of people Muslim and Jewish religion.

It has population 41 billion people live in country. You can reach from your hometown to Argentina by plane. If you come to one day Argentina, you absuality see many places such as Northern forests, valleys, Iguazu waterfalls etc. There are many natural beauties and historical places in the country.

Do You Know : Capital of Argentina

Quick facts

Population 42,192,494
Density 15.4 / km2 ( 39.9 / mi2 )
Language Spanish
Independence Year 1816
Capital Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires F.D.)
Currency Argentine Peso
GDP 540,000,000,000 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 12,798 (2014 data)
Land Area 2,736,690 km2 (1,056,641 mi2)
Water Area 43,710 km2 (16,877 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries BoliviaParaguayChileUruguayBrazil
Minimum Longitude -73.580
Maximum Longitude -53.590
Mininum Latitude -55.050
Maximum Latitude -21.780


Map of Argentina

Picture of Argentina

Where is Argentina - Where is Argentina Located in The World
Where is Argentina – Where is Argentina Located in The World

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