Where is Uruguay? What Country and Continent is Uruguay? | Where is Map

Where is Uruguay? What Country and Continent is Uruguay?

Where is Uruguay? What Country and Continent is Uruguay? – Where is Uruguay Located in The World? / Uruguay Map – Uruguay is located on the coast of the South Atlantic Ocean and is the country of South America. It is bordered by Brazil to the west by the Uruguay River and Argentina to the south by Rio De La Plata to the east by the Atlantic Ocean and Brazil to the North.

Where is Uruguay?

Uruguay has a face measuring 176,215 square kilometers and is the second smallest country in South America. Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay. However, The city of Colonia of the country has been listed as the best preserved colonial city of UNESCO World Heritage. So, The official language of Uruguay is Spanish. In addition, English is taught as a foreign language education in the country.

Quick facts

Population 3,316,328
Density 18.9 / km2 ( 49.1 / mi2 )
Language Spanish
Independence Year 1828
Capital Montevideo (Montevideo)
Currency Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas (URUIURUI)
GDP 57,471,277,325 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 17,330 (2014 data)
Land Area 175,015 km2 (67,574 mi2)
Water Area 1,200 km2 (463 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries ArgentinaBrazil
Minimum Longitude -58.440
Maximum Longitude -53.070
Mininum Latitude -34.980
Maximum Latitude -30.080


In Addition, Uruguay accounts for 66 percent of the country’s population, Catholics, atheists, 2 percent Protestants, and Jews. The country’s currency is Uruguay pesos. Uruguay has a temperate climate. The best time to visit the country is between December and March. Uruguay does not require a visa for visits not exceeding 90 days. You can always find direct flights from America to Uruguay. In addition, the country is transferred from the countries of Frankfurt, Madrid and America.

Map of Uruguay

Picture of Uruguay

Where is Uruguay - Where is Uruguay Located in The World - Uruguay Map
Where is Uruguay – Where is Uruguay Located in The World – Uruguay Map


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