Where is the Gobi Desert? Located On A Map | Where is Map

Where is the Gobi Desert? Located On A Map

Where is the Gobi Desert? Located On A Map – The huge territories of our planet are covered with deserts. There are a lot of them in Africa, Australia, North and South America.

Where is the Gobi Desert?

Also, considerable areas are occupied by the deserts of Asia – in this part of the world there are 22. But the largest in Asia and the second largest in the world is the Gobi Desert. Its territory covers the whole south of Mongolia and most of China.

Where is Mongolia?

The Gobi is high above sea level than other famous deserts, so the winters here are more severe. Still, because of its high altitude in it formed in different in appearance and climate areas, quite unlike each other.

Where is the Gobi Desert
Where is the Gobi Desert

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