Where is Solomon Islands? What Country and Continent is Solomon Islands? | Where is Map

Where is Solomon Islands? What Country and Continent is Solomon Islands?

Where is Solomon Islands? / What Country and Continent is Solomon Islands? / Where is Solomon Islands Located in The World? / Solomon Islands Map – The Solomon Islands are located in the south of the Great Ocean to the east of Papua New Guinea and is an island country consisting of more than 990 islands.

Total face measurement of all Islands is 28,450 square kilometers. Solomon Islands is one of the most important countries of tourism with its botanical gardens, beaches and waterfalls.

Where is Solomon Islands?

Solomon Islands have a population of 523,000 people. Solomon Islands consist of 9 regions. The capital of the Solomon Islands is the city of honiara. The official language of the Solomon Islands is English.

The majority of the people use the language of Solomon Pijin. There are also 70 different local languages spoken in the country. Solomon Islands the Solomon Islands are the currencies of the country.

Quick facts

Population 584,578
Density 20.9 / km2 ( 54.1 / mi2 )
Language English
Independence Year 1978
Capital Honiara (Guadalcanal)
Currency Solomon Islands Dollar
GDP 1,158,183,054 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 1,981 (2014 data)
Land Area 27,986 km2 (10,805 mi2)
Water Area 910 km2 (351 mi2)
Minimum Longitude 155.510
Maximum Longitude 168.830
Mininum Latitude -12.290
Maximum Latitude -5.420


Approximately ninety-two percent of the country’s population in the Solomon Islands believes in Christianity. The remaining 8% of the language believes in Islam and local religions. One of the best diving destinations in the world, the Solomon Islands have tropical monsoon climate.

The best time to visit the country is between May and November. Solomon Islands are among the countries requiring visas. Because there is no direct flight from the United States to the Solomon Islands, transport is provided in transit.

Map of Solomon Islands

Picture of Solomon Islands

Where is Solomon Islands - Where is Solomon Islands Located in The World - Solomon Islands Map
Where is Solomon Islands – Where is Solomon Islands Located in The World – Solomon Islands Map


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One thought on “Where is Solomon Islands? What Country and Continent is Solomon Islands?

  • AL Qasem

    It well be good to go and see whats in there.


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