Where is Leatherhead Located? Leatherhead Map
The distance from Richings Park to Leatherhead is 39 kilometers by road including 28 kilometers by motorway. The road takes about 25 minutes and passes through London, Egham, Stroude, Byfleet, Wisley and Downside.
Location of Leatherhead: Country United Kingdom, Nation England, Surrey.
Nearby cities and villages: Mickleham, Headley and Epsom.
Leatherhead is located in the United Kingdom. It is positioned in “Europe/London” time zone (GMT+1) with the current time of: 06:48, Sunday (difference from your time zone: -2 hours). Leatherhead (England, Surrey) is the Inhabited Place, with a population of ∼43.5 thousand.
Is Leatherhead classed as London?
What is Leatherhead known for?
What county is Leatherhead?
What is the history of Leatherhead?