Where is Hinckley UK? Hinckley Map
Location of Hinckley: Country United Kingdom, Nation England, Leicestershire. Nearby cities and villages: Burbage, Aston Flamville and Stoke Golding.
Are you planning to travel from Hinckley to Leicester by train? We have gathered for you all the useful information for this trip!
The fastest trains from Hinckley to Leicester take about 17 minutes to cover a distance of about 20 kilometers.
On weekdays, the first train leaving Hinckley is usually scheduled for 05:55. The last departure is scheduled for him around 23:00. On Saturdays and Sundays, trains leave Hinckley at around 06:28 and the last train leaves at around 22:59. Services are frequent on this railway line. On average, there are about 48 trains a day that run between the two cities and leave every 4 minutes.
Prices for a single ticket between the two cities start from £31.20.
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