What Continent is Estonia in?
Estonia is located in northern Europe and borders Latvia to the south and Russia to the east. Estonia is washed by the Baltic Sea in the west (Vin Ameri and Livonian Gulf) and in the north (Gulf of Finland); it has about 3,800 km of coastline, which is a very large figure in relation to the total area of the country; Estonia is one of the most maritime countries in Europe. Finland is about 80 km away and Sweden is 150 km away. There are about 1520 islands off the Estonian coast. All these islands are quite close to the coast. Estonia is the smallest of the Baltic countries, but it is larger than Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands or Belgium.
Is Estonia part of Asia Or Europe?
Capital: Tallinn
Official EU languages: Estonian
Member of the EU since: 1 May 2004
Currency: Euro. Member of the euro area since 1 January 2011
Schengen: member of the Schengen area since 21 December 2007
Area: 45 227 square km
Border: total length: 1450.2 km, with sea border of 768.6 km and land border of 681.6 km
Distances from Tallinn to:
– Helsinki 85 km
– Riga 310 km
– St. Petersburg 350 km
– Stockholm 395 km
Climate: humid-temperate
Temperatures (daily averages): -2,0 C C in winter (can drop to -20°in February) and +9,4 C C in summer (can reach +30°
What language do Estonians speak?
Is Estonia a rich or Poor country?
What country is Estonia now?