What continent is Brunei in? | Where is Map

What continent is Brunei in?

Officially Brunei Darussalam, is a Malay sultanate, and colonia British colony, independent since January 1, 1984, located on the northern coast of the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia, and completely surrounded by the state of Sara.

Is Brunei in Asia or Africa?

The Sultanate of Brunei, consisting of two small portions of territory surrounded by the Eastern Malasia Passively involved in the colonial partitions following the nineteenth-century conquest of those lands, Brunei turned to English domination hoping to maintain a statute of greater independence.


The link with the British government has left obvious signs in the country even after the decolonization phase: as in all states not yet completely freed from the colonial heritage, this condition has translated into a present characterized, on the one hand, by an ethnic and cultural heterogeneity, dictated also by the deep ties with Malasia; on the other hand, a certain instability from the social and political point of view, despite the high standard of living of the inhabitants, due to the difficult process of modernization of state structures in a context in some ways still rigidly traditional, as evidenced by the 500 years of government continuity of the Bolkiah dynasty.

Is Brunei in Asia or Africa
Is Brunei in Asia or Africa

At the same time, the commitment of the country in trying to overcome internal problems has proved particularly intense: the major interventions recorded have concerned, for example, education, in order to train a trained local workforce; the health system, extended free of charge to all inhabitants; a significant share of incentives and tax exemptions in sectors not related to the exploitation of hydrocarbons, in order to increase the potential of small and medium-sized private enterprises and diversify the economy.Independent since 1 January 1984 under the , formerly British protectorate.

What continent is Brunei in
What continent is Brunei in

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