What continent is Bolivia in? | Where is Map

What continent is Bolivia in?

State of South America. It is bordered by Brazil, Peru and Chile, Argentina and Paraguay. Bolivia is located in the central part of landlocked South America, Bolivia still remains today a pristine land, where expanses of verdant forests cover most of the tropical lowland to the east, and desert and rocky areas occupy the extensive highlands to the west.


A singular corner of the southwest is occupied by a desert area, the Atacama, and the largest expanse of salt the Salar de Uuni The administrative capital, La Paz, rises more than 3500 m high on the Andean plateau, in front of the snowy peak of Mount Illimani. Nearby, Titicaca, the largest lake on the continent, stretches with its calm waters beyond the borders of Peru.

What continent is Bolivia in
What continent is Bolivia in

The territory of B. is formed by a region elevated to O and a low to E. The western part, section of the Andean system, includes a central depressed area, where there are large lake basins without drainage to the sea (Titicaca, poopó mostly extinct volcanoes (Tacora, 5982 m; Saama; and to and from the Eastern Cordillera (Cordillera Real), consisting mostly of granite rocks (Illimani, 6462 m; Illampu, 6362 m). The eastern flat region includes the Beni and Mamore lowlands in N, the Chiquitos and Velasco plateau in the center, and a part of the Chaco lowland, poor in water.

The climate of Bolivia, located approximately between 10 lat and 22 lat S, is affected by the influence of latitude, relief, and also the regime of winds. The plateau has a warm climate of altitude, with average annual temperatures below 20 C C, limited annual excursions (5-6 C C), well-determined dry period (June-August); the low plains of Beni and Mamore and the slope and the Eastern Cordillera, up to the 18 S Proceeding towards S the trend of temperatures becomes more irregular, precipitation decreases and the dry season is accentuated:in the Chaco the precipitation falls below 750-800 mm and the temperature is around 24-25 C.

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