I was being silly and that he was only teasing , i was 10 ….
Hi to the group and thank you for adding me …
A bit about me …i was raised by farmworker parents , touched up by the taxi driver that took me and 4 others to primary school , every day he would sing dirty songs and walk his fingers up my inner thigh until he reached my crotch, i told my mother who said i was being silly and that he was only teasing , i was 10 ….
When i turned 14 my father came into my bedroom to wake me for school as my mother and elder sister were working, i opened my eyes to my father laying across me with his teeth latched on to my right breast , he proceeded to pull my clothes off while struggled to get free of him , he had me by the ankles and was begging to see my crotch as he was pulling my legs apart …but as he adjusted himself to do more i managed to break free and shut myself in the bathroom. I told my mother and instead of helping me ,she spent the next few years beating me with anything that came to hand …
My first marriage at 23 produced my 2 children 1 girl and 1 boy …but only lasted 7 years as my husband had constant affairs with many women ….
I was then in a relationship living with a man who was great one minute and abusive the next but it lasted 16 years ..
I then lived on my own with my son for a few years only having casual dates etc …..then one day at the market where i worked a romanian man came into my life ,i fell for him stronger than any other person i had ever met ….
We were married nearly 3 years ago in Romania, we found a house there and nearly 2 years ago my son and i moved here with him , it has been very difficult trying to learn the language especially as he doesn’t teach me ….i did teach him to speak english ..
He is a long distance lorry driver so i only see him one week out of the month …but in February this year i had some terrible news my younger sister and her children were murdered and the house set alight in Derrylin Ireland. …i was devastated by the loss …my husband sent me a message saying i hope you get over this soon ..he didn’t really support me and stayed at work. ..i have suffered depression over the last few months and have treatened suicide a few times when things have been bad , he has threatened divorce 3 times this year and has mood swings, he has a ex wife with 6 children, who do not accept our relationship. ..and he confides everything in her which makes me jealous. ..he always visits them in her house alone and stays for hours up until 1am in the morning …i am not allowed in the house now we live in Romania. .when we lived in the uk she was very friendly with me because she got very much money ..
3 weeks ago my husband went quiet no messages no phone calls , when i tried to ring he didn’t answer the phone, it was like this for 3 days , then he finally answered the phone and said he was not happy anymore and his feelings had changed, he asked me for a divorce saying that he would remain single for a while and then return to his ex wife. …i have begged and pleaded with him to reconsider, but he just started being rude and abusive and then asked me to pack his belongings and put them in his car , and take the car and park it in our neighbours drive as he had arranged this with her , he said he had another place to stay. ..and said he would never return to my arms or bed again .
Now he is sending me pictures of people having sex , he is on 2 dating sites on Facebook and has added ex girlfriends. ..
He now wants me to clear my son out of his room so he can have the room , and says that i have chucked him out of the house and put his clothes at the neighbours house ..he is blaming me for the divorce because my son lives with us and i dont work here ,he wanted me to work on the lorries with him but i do not have a hgv licence or the money to train for one , how can he blame me for something out of my control …..i no longer know if it is my fault , should i have ignored his messages. …he says it is difficult forrhim to manage everything financially as he still has to support the ex wife and children. ..and he blames my son ,saying at 25 he should be living alone , my son has been a rock , he has lent us money 5.000 last year, and my husband was angry at having to pay him back …my son had inherited money from his grandparents so don’t need to work here . But pays half of every household bill and buys his own food etc ..he also does the mans chores here while my husband is away ..
He sent me pictures of himself yesterday and i gained some hope , but then he said he only sent them so i could see how angry he was and that he would divorce me on the 10.10.2018 ……i am devastated. …..he said i should sign my half of the house over to him and return to the UK. …then said he would never make me leave …he is due back in Romania tomorrow, and apart from loosing 15 kilo in weight , i feel old , tired , and completely worn out ….