I am going thru a horrible divorce from a very mentally and physically abusive husband.
I am going thru a horrible divorce from a very mentally and physically abusive husband.
I was left beaten, had to walk miles after leaving the Emergency room With a cast on my leg. i have gone thru multiple surgeries and multiple physical therapy programs, I see pain management, seek counseling and have had everything I ever owned stolen by him and he continues to stalk me.
I was homeless for months and NOW the courts say I have to pay his lawyer fees to the tune of almost $10,000. even tho I could not afford an attorney of my own and 98% of the time was completely alone in court.
I never did a single thing wrong in this marriage and no one has disputed that however the Judge has never once heard me and has recently mocked my PTSD in court, I feel like I have endured more than most and I dont know how much more I can take or where to turn next………any suggestions????