Where is Angola? / Where is Angola Located in The World? / Angola Map | Where is Map

Where is Angola? / Where is Angola Located in The World? / Angola Map

Where is Angola? / Where is Angola Located in The World? / Angola Map – Angola location south west of African continent and has neighbors Democratic Republic of Congo in the north east, Zambia in the east and Namibia in the south. The Atlantic Ocean is location south of Angola’ country.

Where is Angola?

Angola lived a long time as a colonial country of Portugal. Then, It won freedom and It has been managed By dividing into 18 regions.Luanda is capital city of Angola. Angola’ officially language Portuguese. It has population nearly 25 billion people and It has 157 provinces, 618 districts.

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50% of the country believed Christian religion. Many of rest country believed another regions. Therefore, population of about 500 thousand people belive Islam religion. It has a tropical climate. The best of time to go Angola is between May and October, because of precipitation and severe temperatures are reduced. You can direct fly from Paris, London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Madrid and Lisbon to Angola’ capital city.

Quick facts

Population 18,056,072
Density 14.5 / km2 ( 37.5 / mi2 )
Language Portuguese
Independence Year 1975
Capital Luanda (Luanda)
Currency Kwanza
GDP 131,000,000,000 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 7,255 (2014 data)
Land Area 1,246,700 km2 (481,353 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries NamibiaZambiaThe CongoThe Democratic Republic Of The Congo
Minimum Longitude 11.670
Maximum Longitude 24.080
Mininum Latitude -18.040
Maximum Latitude -4.370


Map of Angola

Picture of Angola

Where is Angola - Where is Angola Located in The World - Angola Map
Where is Angola – Where is Angola Located in The World – Angola Map

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