In che continente si trova la Mongolia? | Where is Map

In che continente si trova la Mongolia?

Is Mongolia part of Asia or Europe?

Internal state of East-central Asia, bordering in N with the Russian Federation and otherwise with China. It corresponds to about 60% of the physical and historical region of the same name, of which it occupies the middle and northern part.

Is Mongolia part of Asia or Europe
Is Mongolia part of Asia or Europe
In che continente si trova la Mongolia
In che continente si trova la Mongolia

The territory, everywhere elevated (rarely drops below 1000 m), is decidedly mountainous in O, where the ranges of the Alta Mong Mongolian and Khangai extend, and along the northern border (Tannu-Ola, Khentei), while it is formed by highlands in the southeastern part, coinciding with the Gobi. The highest altitude (4374 m)is reached in the Hu Org The northwestern section, between the Alta Mong Mongolian, Tannu-Ola and Khangai, consists of a series of depressions occupied by large salt lake basins. The climate, continental, without the slightest maritime influence, presents very high annual temperature ranges(in Ulaanbaatar the average temperature of July is around 20 C C, and that of January about -30 C As a result, the M. has a very poor river network, almost absent in the Gobi; it is also endorheic, with closed lake basins the largest of which is the Uvs nuur (3550 km2), except a northern fringe, which sends the waters to the Selenga River basin, and then to Lake Ba.

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Is Mongolia Russian or Chinese

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