What Continent is Lithuania in? | Where is Map

What Continent is Lithuania in?

What country does Lithuania belong to?

Lithuania is the largest of the three Baltic republics. The country occupies 65300 square kilometers of surface and its extension, equal to about 22% of the Italian national territory, exceeds in Europe that of Slovakia, Switzerland and Denmark.

What country does Lithuania belong to
What country does Lithuania belong to

It is bordered to the north, for 588 km, by Latvia; to the southwest, for 104 km, by Poland (this narrow border gives continuity to the territory of the European Union, to the northeast, in the direction of Finland and the Scandinavian peninsula); to the west by the Russian ecl
Lithuania has no islands, and its coasts overlook the Baltic Sea for about 100 km. The Neringa Peninsula (also called the Curonian Peninsula, named after the Baltic tribe of the Curonians from which anticamete was inhabited), which was born in Kaliningrad Russia, extends into Lithuanian territory for 51 km in a northeast direction. Its crystal clear beaches and sand dunes rise above the sea along a thin strip of land inhabited by fishermen and amber seekers and protected by UNESCO.

What Continent is Lithuania in
What Continent is Lithuania in

The most important river in the country is the Nemunas, which flows for 938 km and originates in Belarus, 45 km south of Minsk. It flows in Lithuania for 359 km and flows into the Baltic Sea marking the border with the Russian department of Kaliningrad for more than 100 km. In the waters of the Nemunas, near the city of Kaunas, flows the Neris, the second watercourse of the country in order of length. Other important rivers are the Venta, the Šešupė, the Mūša the Dubysa and the Nevėžis. the territory of the country is also characterized by the presence of numerous lakes of various sizes (there are about 3000), concentrated mainly in Upper Lithuania, in the north-east of the state.


The geography of Lithuania is distinguished by its almost completely flat territory. There are no major mountain reliefs and the highest point of the country barely exceeds 290 meters.

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