What Continent is Ecuador in?
Is Ecuador Central or South America?
(Republic of Ecuador). State of South America (256,370 km2).
Capital: Quito.
Administrative division: provinces (22).
Population: 13,805,095 ab. (2008 estimate).
Language: Spanish (official), Quechua, shuar.
Religion: Catholics 92.5%, Protestants 3.4%, others 4.1%.
Monetary unit: US dollar (100 cents).
Human Development Index: 0.807(72 posto
Borders: Colombia (N), Per Colombia Member of: OAS, UN and MERC
It extends in the northwestern section of the subcontinent, between the Pacific Ocean, on which it overlooks a per for 800 km, and the Amazon basin, which tends towards E; it also includes the archipelago of the Galp Pagos (Islas Galá Pagos), located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, about a thousand kilometers from the Ecuadorian coast. Ecuador’s borders are conventional: in particular the one with the Perú, object of long disputes, was recognized by the Ecuadorian government in 1998, and now allows access to the Amazon basin.
What country does Ecuador belong to?
Is Ecuador Spanish or Portuguese?
Is it called Ecuador because it’s on the equator?