What continent is Czechia in?
Is Czech Republic in North or south Europe?
The Czech Republic sits in the center of the European continent.It is bordered to the north by Germany and Poland,to the west by Germany, to the south by Austria,to the southeast by the Slovacchia.La Czech Republic has no outlet to the sea.
The colors of the flag reproduce those of the Czechoslovak flag:white and red represent Bohemia and Moravia,while blue refers to Czech Silesia.
The territory of the Czech Republic is divided into two distinct regions: Bohemia in the west and Moravia in the part orientale.La Bohemia consists of a plateau marked on four sides by as many mountain ranges, called Quadrilateral Boemo.La Moravia has a flat territory, closed to the west by the Monti Carpazi.Il Morava river runs vertically through the region.The rivers rise from the reliefs and descend to the central plains.The main ones are Vltava and Morava.
Why is Czechoslovakia now called Czechia?
What countries make up Czechia?
Why did Czechoslovakia split into two countries?