What continent is Burkina Faso in? | Where is Map

What continent is Burkina Faso in?

Burkina Faso is a landlocked sub-Saharan African state and consists of a fairly dry plateau, where very high temperatures are reached; the poverty of resources and the majority of the population make Burkina Faso one of the most backward and underdeveloped countries on the planet.

What continent is Burkina Faso in
What continent is Burkina Faso in

Is Burkina Faso in North or South Africa?

Form of government Presidential Republic
Surface 274.200 Km2
Population 20,505,000 ab. (2019 census)
22,075,000 ab. (2022 estimates)
Density 81 ab / km2capital Ouagadougou (2,684,000 ab., 3.575.000 aggl. urban)
Currency CFA Franc
Human Development Index 0.449 (184 posto
French (official), Moore and other regional languages
Life expectancy M 60 years, F 61 years

Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

Is Burkina Faso in North or South Africa
Is Burkina Faso in North or South Africa

What language does Burkina Faso speak?
What is a Burkina Faso person called?
Do they speak English in Burkina Faso?

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