What continent is Angola in
What continent is Angola in
Decades of civil war have torn apart this country of decent size located south-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo and washed west by the Atlantic Ocean for over 1,500 km; the territory is characterized by a vast plank from the average altitude of 1,500 meters, except for the coastal areas; to the north we also find the e Cab.
Where does Angola belong to?
Form of government Presidential Republic
Surface 1.246.700 Km2
Population 25,789,000 ab. (2014 census)
33,086,000 ab. (2022 estimates)
Density 27 ab / km2capital Luanda (2,572,000 ab., 9.051.000 aggl. urban)
Angolan K Moneta
Human Development Index 0.586 (148 posto
Portuguese language (official), regional idioms
Life expectancy M 58 years, F 63 years
Is Angola an African country?
Is Angola a poor or rich country?
Is Angola in North or South America?