Where is Taliesin? What does Taliesin mean? | Where is Map

Where is Taliesin? What does Taliesin mean?

Where is Taliesin?

Taliesin near Spring Green in the US state of Wisconsin is the summer residence of the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright built Taliesin in 1911, after leaving his first wife, Catherine Tobin, and his old residence in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1909. The reason for the breakup was an affair with Mamah Borthwick Cheney, the wife of Edwin Cheney, for whom he had built a house.

In 1937 Wright built a winter quarters in Scottsdale (Arizona), the so-called Taliesin West.

Where is Taliesin? What does Taliesin mean?
Where is Taliesin? What does Taliesin mean?

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