Where is Castle Gardens Scenic Area? | Where is Map

Where is Castle Gardens Scenic Area?

Where is Castle Gardens Scenic Area?

It’s a bit confusing, as there are the beautiful Castle Gardens south of the US20 with the interesting Petroglyphs and not far away a no less interesting area of the same name, Castle Garden at Ten Sleep.

The area at the foot of the Bighorn Mountains with great rock formations is about 4500 Feet high. In the slightly weathered sandstone many strange rock formations and Hoodoos have formed.

The diversion in the area is approximately 2 miles West of Ten Sleep on U.S. Highway 16. From there a Dirt Road leads to the South. Signs point to the Castle Garden about 6 miles away on the US16.

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In dry weather you can certainly go there with a car (I had 2005 made), but in rain and wet the path is impassable. Even a 4WD should not get through there.

Time requirement:
You should plan at least one hour in the area.

Best Time Of Day:
The best time of day is as usual in such areas in the morning and afternoon.

Where is Castle Gardens Scenic Area?
Where is Castle Gardens Scenic Area?

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