Where is Zimbabwe? What Country and Continent is Zimbabwe? | Where is Map

Where is Zimbabwe? What Country and Continent is Zimbabwe?

Where is Zimbabwe? / Where is Zimbabwe Located in The World? / Zimbabwe MapWhat Country and Continent is Zimbabwe? – The official name of Zimbabwe is Zimbabwe Republic. It is located in South Africa and is a landlocked country. Mozambique to the east of Zimbabwe, Zambia to the North, Botswana to the West, South Africa to the South. The country has the Zambezi River in the North and the Limpopo river in the South.

Where is Zimbabwe?

Zimbabwe consists of 10 provinces, 59 districts and 1200 towns. It is the capital of the country and also the largest city of Harare. The official languages of the country are English, Shona and Ndebele. The country’s currency is U.S. dollars. 85 percent of the population of Zimbabwe constitute Christians. Zimbabwe has tropical climate. The best date to visit the country is September and October.

Quick facts

Population 12,619,600
Density 32.6 / km2 ( 84.5 / mi2 )
Language English
Independence Year 1965
Capital Harare (Harare)
Currency Zimbabwe Dollar
GDP 13,663,314,280 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 1,083 (2014 data)
Land Area 386,847 km2 (149,362 mi2)
Water Area 3,910 km2 (1,510 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries NamibiaMozambiqueZambiaBotswanaSouth Africa
Minimum Longitude 25.240
Maximum Longitude 33.050
Mininum Latitude -22.420
Maximum Latitude -15.610


Zimbabwe is one of the countries that require visas. There is an international airport in Harare, the capital city of the country. There is no direct flight from America to Zimbabwe. Therefore, transportation is provided to the country via South Africa.

Map of Zimbabwe

Picture of Zimbabwe

Where is Zimbabwe - Where is Zimbabwe Located in The World - Zimbabwe Map
Where is Zimbabwe – Where is Zimbabwe Located in The World – Zimbabwe Map


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