Where is Virginia State? Where is Virginia Located in The World? Virginia State Map | Where is Map

Where is Virginia State? Where is Virginia Located in The World? Virginia State Map

Where is Virginia State?

Virginia is the Land of transition – transition from the “modern” industrialized north to the deep south, from the subtropical coast to the east to the Appalachians to the West.

Virginia is associated with the greatest personalities of the United States’s turn of State, Washington was born here, Jefferson and Monroe lived here.

There are also well-preserved slave settlements. Cities usually consist of two parts, well separated from each other. The traveler, who visits Monticello, probably one of the most beautiful mansions of the South, should also look at the accommodations for the slaves in this house built by Jefferson.

Virginia is sophisticated and varied. It is also attractive and harmonious to travellers. Virginia itself attests to its diversity: its official name is not State of Virginia, but the Commonwealth of Virginia. And this is no coincidence.

Where is Virginia Located in The World?

Facts & Figures
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Climate: mild and balanced
Population density: 70.35 inhabitants / sq km
Population growth: 9.0% (2000-2007)
geographic information: highest point: Mount Rogers in Grayson County (1,952 m)
lowest point: Atlantic ocean (sea level)
Length of coastline: 180 km
agricultural products: tobacco, corn, Soya, winter wheat, peanuts, cotton
forest area: 69.4 %
Annual income (2000): average: $ 40.209 (108.7% US average)
Teacher: $ 38,300
Unemployment rate (1999): 2.8 %
Poverty rate (2000): 11.6 %
State Tax: 3%, plus local tax (1 %)
Neighbouring States: Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia

tourist information
Intercontinental airports: Washington (IAD)
Interstates: 64 (299 m), 66( 77 m), 77 (67 m), 81 (324 m), 85( 89 m), 95 (178 m)
264 (Norfolk, 14 m), 295 (Richmond, 53 m), 495 (DC, 38 m)
Maximum speed: 65 miles/hour (Interstates & intersection-free expressways)
55 miles/hour (other roads)
other traffic rules: Belt and helmet requirements
Restraint system for children under 3 years
theoretically, the following laws are in force:
who wants to overtake has to Horn (is no longer followed)
Radar warning devices are prohibited
Overnight at the edge of the road: forbidden (fine, if necessary, imprisonment)

Virginia State Map

Where is Virginia State? Where is Virginia Located in The World? Virginia State Map
Where is Virginia State? Where is Virginia Located in The World? Virginia State Map

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