Where is Vermont State? Where is Vermont Located in The World? Vermont State Map | Where is Map

Where is Vermont State? Where is Vermont Located in The World? Vermont State Map

Where is Vermont State?

Vermont is a landlocked state. It differs from all other New England states.

The Name Vermont comes from the French and means “Green hill”. Green hills characterize this state, the height of which is between 400 and 1,200 meters.

In Winter, the altitude combined with the location is sufficient to allow skiing. In the summer, many inhabitants of the neighbouring towns seek out the rural Vermont, which has a huge number of campsites.

A certain tourist attraction is the island-rich Lake Champlain, located on the border with Québec and New York.

Where is Vermont Located in The World?

Facts & Figures
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Climate: moderate, with partly considerable temperature fluctuations, in Winter lots of snow in the mountains
Population density: 24.95 inhabitants / sq km
Population growth: 2.0 % (2000-2007)
geographical indications: highest point: Mount Mansfield in Lamoille County (1,497 m)
lowest point: Lake Champlain (32 m)
agricultural products: dairy products, Apples. Maple Syrup, Vegetables
forest area: 87.4 %
Annual income (2000): average: $ 35,210 (95.1% US average)
Teacher: $ 37,300
Unemployment rate (1999): 3.0 %
Poverty rate (2000): 9.7 %
state tax: 5 %
Neighbouring States: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York

tourist information
Intercontinental airports: in Vermont no
Interstates: 89 (130 m), 91 (178 m), 93 (11 m)
Maximum Speed: 65 Miles/Hour (Intercity Interstates)
55 miles / hour (near Interstates)
50 miles/hour (other roads)
other road rules: helmet and seat belt use
Restraint system for children under 5 years
Overnight at the edge of the road: forbidden (fine, if necessary, imprisonment)

Vermont State Map

Where is Vermont State? Where is Vermont Located in The World? Vermont State Map
Where is Vermont State? Where is Vermont Located in The World? Vermont State Map

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