Where is Williamsburg, Virginia? What County is Williamsburg? Williamsburg Map Located
Where is Williamsburg, Virginia?
The area described here includes the Independent City of Williamsburg and the Counties of Gloucester, James City, Mathews and York with the city of Williamsburg. It is located in the Eastern part of Virginia.
What County is Williamsburg?
If the United States has a soul, then you can find it here: here begins the official page of American history, Williamsburg, that is America, as it should be. For Europeans it seems rather cheesy and forced, but isn’t that true of Heidelberg or Rothenburg ? In any case, Williamsburg is a Must see American traveller. The College of William and Mary, despite its modest name, is the second oldest university in the United States and is still one of the 50 best universities in the country.
* Richmond 82 km, Virginia Beach 95 km, Washington 245 km
* Baltimore MD 306 km, Charlotte NC 510 km, Nashville TN 1,062 km
nearby cities
in Virginia: Newport News, Richmond, Tappahannock, Virginia Beach
Williamsburg Map Located
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