Where is United States Holocaust Memorial Museum? | Where is Map

Where is United States Holocaust Memorial Museum?

Address: 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW, Washington, DC 20024
Monday 10AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–5:30PM
Thursday 10AM–5:30PM
Friday 10AM–5:30PM
Saturday 10AM–5:30PM
Sunday 10AM–5:30PM
Tickets: free · ushmm.org
Founded: 1980, Washington, D.C.
Architect: James Ingo Freed

Mr. Hudson, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington is currently showing an exhibition of dramatic photos of the victims of the Assad regime in Syria. How did you get the pictures?

In the summer, representatives of the Syrian Democratic Opposition approached us and told us about a man with the alias “Caesar”, a photographer with the regime’s military intelligence service, who was disillusioned with his work there and was on the run with his photos. When we met” Caesar”, we were very impressed by his story because there are so many accounts in our Museum of people who witnessed the crimes that took place in Europe during World War II, and then came to Washington to testify before the US authorities. “Caesar’s” story was so similar in this respect that we were moved not only by the images themselves, but also by how they were created.

Where is United States Holocaust Memorial Museum?
Where is United States Holocaust Memorial Museum?

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