Where is Southern Ocean? Is Southern Ocean a real ocean | Where is Map

Where is Southern Ocean? Is Southern Ocean a real ocean

Where is Southern Ocean?

The Southern Ocean is the youngest of them all, it was probably formed 30 million years ago, when the continents of South America and Antarctica drifted apart and formed the so-called Drake Strait. 30 million years may seem like a long time, but considering that the Atlantic Ocean was formed 180 million years ago, this impression is relativized.

The fourth largest ocean after the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean covers almost four percent of the Earth’s surface – about as much as the United States or China[i]. The only smaller Ocean lies at the antipodes to Antarctica in the northern hemisphere. Although small in geographical dimensions, it actually contains 150 times more water than all the rivers in the world put together.
The extreme climate makes it one of the coldest and most unique places in the world. The water temperature varies between a cool 10 °C in midsummer and up to -65 °C in the long winters.

Where is Southern Ocean? Is Southern Ocean a real ocean
Where is Southern Ocean? Is Southern Ocean a real ocean

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