Where is South America Located? Map of South America? South America Countries
Where is South America Located?
A majority of the continent consists of tropical areas. The most famous tropical area is the Amazon basin. The Western part of South America is dominated by the Andes. The Andes are the longest mountain range on Earth at 7,500 kilometres. Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Andes, is 6,959 m high and lies between Argentina and Chile. The area of the Andes is tectonically active and so there are many volcanoes, which in the south of the Andes pass into the volcano and Geyser tundra.
Between the Andes and the Pacific, the extremely arid Atacama desert in Northern Chile. The desert lies in the rain shadow of the Andes and an east wind does not bring rain clouds from the sea, because the Humboldt stream flows off the coast, which prevents the formation of rain clouds. The cold sea water, however, requires that there is relatively mild in the Atacama and especially near the coast fog. Every six to ten years, however, the desert is ravishing. Caused by the El Niño, which pushes the Humboldt current.
Despite the dry climate, Atacama was inhabited by the peoples of Acatameños, Aymara, Chinchorros and Diaguitas.
The mountain country of Guyana is located in North-East South America and in the South joins the Amazon basin. By the Amzonasbecken the Amazon flows. With almost 7000 kilometers, the Amazon is the longest river in the world. However, the data of the length vary. The Amazon transports 1/5 of the freshwater flowing into the sea. The average outflow of the Amazon is 120,000 m3 / sec. For comparison: the river with the largest outflow in Europe is the Volga with “only” 8,060 m3 / sec. In the South, the Amzonasbecken is limited by the Brazilian highlands.
The natural area of South America is characterized by the high mountains of the Andes in the West, the mountain countries of Brazil and Guyana to the East, and by the vast lowlands of the great rivers Amazon, Orinoco, and Paraná. The continent’s climate is tropical except for its southern parts. The lowlands close to the equator are therefore covered by impenetrable tropical rain forests. In the Andes climate and Vegetation vary greatly with the altitude.
The high cultures of Indigenous people, such as the Incas, were destroyed by the colonization of the continent by Spanish and Portuguese conquerors. After almost 200 years of State independence, most countries are still low-Developed Developing Countries or emerging economies. Many countries share great social contrasts between the poor and the rich, leading to ongoing political instability and frequent conflicts.
South America Countries
In South America, you can find the following States :
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