Where is Preikestolen? What Country is Preikestolen in? Preikestolen Map
Where is Preikestolen?
Preikestolen is located in Norway. It is located in the jorpeland District of Stavanger. Preikestolen is a 604 m high cliff. After parking your car you will climb 3.8 km. This distance may vary depending on the person’s performance. But you can climb between 1 and 3 hours. You’re landing at the same time.
How do I get to Kjeragbolten from Stavanger?
How do I get to Preikestolen? You need to come to Stavanger first. It is located in a district called Jorpeland, about 40 km from Stavanger. You can usually come here in two different ways. The first option is Bergen, and the other option is through Oslo. I came by renting a car.
Preikestolen Map
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