Where is Nicaragua? / Where is Nicaragua Located in The World? / Nicaragua Map | Where is Map

Where is Nicaragua? / Where is Nicaragua Located in The World? / Nicaragua Map

Where is Nicaragua? / Where is Nicaragua Located in The World? / Nicaragua Map – Nicaragua is a country in Central America. So, Nicaragua has a territory of 129,495 square kilometers and is the largest country in Central America. Nicaragua is located in the south of the country of Costa Rica, in the north of Honduras.

Where is Nicaragua?

It is located in the western part of Nicaragua, bordering the Caribbean Sea and the South Pacific Ocean. Nicaragua consists of 15 regions and 2 independent regions. Inn Addition, Nicaragua is the capital of the country and also the country’s busiest City is Managua. The official language of Nicaragua is Spanish. In the country, other than Spanish, English is also spoken in national languages such as Rama, Sumo and Miskito.

Quick facts

Population 5,727,707
Density 47.7 / km2 ( 123.6 / mi2 )
Language Spanish
Independence Year 1838
Capital Managua (Managua)
Currency Cordoba Oro
GDP 11,805,641,287 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 2,061 (2014 data)
Land Area 119,990 km2 (46,328 mi2)
Water Area 10,380 km2 (4,008 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries Costa RicaHonduras
Minimum Longitude -87.690
Maximum Longitude -82.730
Mininum Latitude 10.710
Maximum Latitude 15.030

However, Nicaragua is a Christian majority of the country’s population and believes in the Catholic sect. The country’s currency is Kordoba. Nicaragua does not require a visa. Nicaragua has a tropical climate. The best time to visit the country is between November and April. There are always flights from America to Nicaragua.

Map of Nicaragua

Picture of Nicaragua

Where is Nicaragua - Where is Nicaragua Located in The World - Nicaragua Map
Where is Nicaragua – Where is Nicaragua Located in The World – Nicaragua Map

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