Where is Meridian, Mississippi? What County is Meridian? Meridian Map Located
Where is Meridian, Mississippi?
The described area includes the Counties (districts) Lauderdale, Clarke, Jasper, Kemper, Neshoba and Newton with the cities of Meridian, Bay Springs, and Philadelphia. It is located in the Eastern part of Mississippi.
What County is Meridian?
Meridian is an important road and railway junction. The city has several historical buildings, including a Masonic temple for a Negro Lodge. Meridian is the home of country singer Jimmy Rogers and also known by music lovers as the seat of Peavey Electronics Corp., the world market leader for Keyboards. Near the town of Enterprise began, next to a waterfall, the history of the Stetson hats. Near Philadelphia, with the Choctaw Indians reserve, is the largest reserve in the southern states outside North Carolina and Florida.
Tuscaloosa AL 159 km, Birmingham AL 245 km, Houston TX 793 km
nearby cities
in Mississippi: Columbus, Hattiesburg, Jackson
in Alabama: Selma
Flights to Meridian
There are no direct flights from Europe to Meridian.
Only from Frankfurt you can reach Meridian with a one-time change with American Airlines via Dallas.
Meridian Map Located
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