Where is Maldives? Located in The World? Maldives Map | Where is Map

Where is Maldives? Located in The World? Maldives Map

Where is Maldives? / Where is Maldives Located in The World? / Maldives Map – Maldives is an unofficial representation of paradise on earth and one of the most expensive beach resorts in the world.

Where is Maldives?

A small state in the Indian Ocean, occupying an atoll chain of 1,192 coral islands, has been considered the best resting place and a measure of success for several decades now. Here in the literal sense of the smell of luxury and big money. And this despite the fact that the Maldives themselves live relatively modestly.

Which country is the Maldives in?

Maldives is a generous sun, glamorous beaches with fine sand, turquoise lagoons, and fantastic diving 365 days a year. This is a delightful atmosphere of complete relaxation, respectable laziness, and detachment from everyday problems.

Quick facts

Population 394,451
Density 1,323.7 / km2 ( 3,428.3 / mi2 )
Language Dhivehi
Independence Year 1965
Capital Male (Maale)
Currency Rufiyaa
GDP 3,032,239,478 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 7,687 (2014 data)
Land Area 298 km2 (115 mi2)
Minimum Longitude 73.080
Maximum Longitude 73.580
Mininum Latitude -0.700
Maximum Latitude 6.930


Map of Maldives

Picture of Maldives

Where is Maldives - Where is Maldives Located in The World - Maldives Map
Where is Maldives – Where is Maldives Located in The World – Maldives Map


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