Where is Lake Balkhash?
Where is Balkhash lake located?
The lake, which is located in east-central Kazakhstan, is about 605 km long from east to west, with a maximum depth of about 25 meters. The extent of the lake varies according to its water balance, with a total area fluctuating between about 15,000 and 19,000 square km.
The Sar penisolaMsek Peninsula juts into Lake Balkhash, dividing it from a hydraulic point of view into two separate parts. The part to the west is wide and shallow, its waters on this side are particularly cool and suitable for drinking. On the contrary, the part to the east is narrow and rather deep, with waters that are brackish and salty. The two portions of the lake are connected by a thin strait, called Uzy
The sediment plume running through the Uz stretto Naral Strait is most likely due to waves lifting sediments from the bottom of the lake. This caused a higher light reflection and therefore a brighter water color for this part of the lake.
The northern shores of Lake Balkhash are high and rocky, while the southern ones are low and sandy, with wide swaths covered with reeds and numerous small lakes. These low shores are periodically flooded by the waters of the lake.