Where is Jordan? What Country and Continent is Jordan?
Where is Jordan? What Country and Continent is Jordan? – Where is Jordan Located in The World? / Jordan Map – Jordan’s official name is the Kingdom of Jordan Hashemi. It is located in the Middle East and is an Arab country. Saudi Arabia is located in the East and South of Jordan, west of Israel and west of sharia, north of Syria, northeast of Iraq.
Where is Jordan?
It is located in the Gulf of Aqaba of Jordan and on the shores of Lake Lut. The lands of Jordan are separated from the lands of Palestine by the Jordan River. Jordan is ruled by absolute monarchy. The country consists of 12 administrative provinces. Amman is the capital of the country and also the largest city of the country. It is also the city founded on yeditepe. The official language of the country is Arabic. It is spoken in English in the country other than Arabic. The currency of the country is dinar.
Quick facts
Population | 6,508,887 |
Density | 73.3 / km2 ( 189.8 / mi2 ) |
Language | Arabic |
Independence Year | 1946 |
Capital | Amman (Amman) |
Currency | Jordanian Dinar |
GDP | 35,826,925,775 (2014 data) |
GDP per Capita | 5,504 (2014 data) |
Land Area | 88,802 km2 (34,287 mi2) |
Water Area | 540 km2 (208 mi2) |
Neighbouring Countries | Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Israel, Syria |
Minimum Longitude | 34.960 |
Maximum Longitude | 39.310 |
Mininum Latitude | 29.180 |
Maximum Latitude | 33.360 |
Jordan’s official religion is Islam. Since Jordan has a dry desert climate, summers are very hot and overwhelming. The best time to visit the country is September, October, April and may. Jordan does not require a visa for visits not exceeding 90 days. There are direct and transfer flights from America to Jordan.
Map of Jordan
Picture of Jordan
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