Where is Iolani Palace? How do you get to Iolani Palace?
Where is Iolani Palace?
What: Former residence of the Hawaiian monarchy
Where: Downtown Honolulu
The National Historic Landmark is the only official royal state residence in the United States. The Iolani Palace in downtown Honolulu was the official residence of the last two monarchs of the Hawaiian kingdom from 1882 to 1893:
King Kalakaua and his sister and successor, Queen Liliuokalani.
The palace was a symbol of a promise to the Hawaiian Kingdom and was built by King David Kalakaua, the “Merrie Monarch”. The royal residence with influences of European architectural styles included the first electric light, toilets with flushing and home phones in Hawaii. The beautiful interiors include a KOA staircase, portraits of Hawaiian monarchs, sumptuous furniture, and royal gifts and ornaments from around the world.
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