Where is Chernobyl? What country is Chernobyl currently located in | Where is Map

Where is Chernobyl? What country is Chernobyl currently located in

Is it safe to go to Chernobyl now?

Chernobyl is located in Ukraine. On April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine exploded. Most of the reactor was damaged. As a result, large amounts of radioactive material have spread to the environment.

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion, more than 30 years after it has not lost its effect. The explosion, caused by human error in the reactors, caused the deaths of many people and residential areas were evacuated due to a radioactive leak in the area.

Where is Chernobyl? What country is Chernobyl currently located in
Where is Chernobyl? What country is Chernobyl currently located in

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