Where is Channelview Texas? What County is Channelview in
The locality of Channelview (Community), is in Texas TX (Harris County), United States.
We don’t have any crime data for Channelview, Texas.
Near Channelview is located:
Deer Park with a population of 32,010. In the past year there have been 79 violent crimes, 0 murders, 11 rapes, 8 robbery with intimidation, 60 assaults, 837 property crimes, 150 residential robberies, 621 robberies, 66 vehicle thefts, 4 arson attacks.
Galena Park with a population of 10,887. In the past year there have been 31 violent crimes, 1 murders, 2 rapes, 15 robbery with intimidation, 13 assaults, 285 property crimes, 107 residential robberies, 155 robberies, 23 vehicle thefts, 1 arson.
Highlands with a population of 7,522. In the past year there have been 6 violent crimes, 0 murders, 2 rapes, 0 robbery with intimidation, 4 assaults, 105 property crimes, 7 residential robberies, 92 robberies, 6 vehicle thefts, 0 arson.
Jacinto City with a population of 10,553 inhabitants. In the past year there have been 35 violent crimes, 0 murders, 0 rapes, 15 robbery with intimidation, 20 assaults, 328 property crimes, 89 burglaries in homes, 205 robberies, 34 vehicle theft, 0 arson.
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What is Channelview Texas close to?
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