Where is Cell Block 7 Prison Museum? When is Cell Block 7 open?
Where is Cell Block 7 Prison Museum?
Address: 3455 Cooper St, Jackson, MI 49201
Phone: (517) 745-6813
With a combined ticket, you can connect your visit to the Ella Sharp Museum with the Cell Block 7 Prison Museum. Unlike other famous prison museums in the United States – such as Alcatraz near San Francisco, California – This Museum is housed in a prison that is still in active use. Although no prisoners have been housed in Cell Block 7 for a long time, the oppressive oppression of the massive prison walls can still be felt. After all, this was once the largest walled prison in the world! I looked around the Museum on my own, calmly reading the accompanying texts to the exhibits, which illuminate many different perspectives – from the guard to the inmate. After that I had a lot of stuff to think about.