Where is 815 area code? What area code is 815
Where is 815 area code?
815 – Rockford, IL
What area code is 815
The state of the Midwest is known as the “Land of Lincoln” – the state in which once the poor Abraham Lincoln worked up to the president of the United States of America.
Illinois offers a fascinating Mix of cultures from all over the world, urban metropolitan life in Chicago and many varied landscapes. The well-known ‘Lake Michigan’, as well as the rivers Wabash, Ohio River and the legendary Mississippi, surround Illinois, which is equal to the size of England and Wales.
The famous Route 66 starts in Illinois and gives visitors the opportunity to learn about the Midwest, the so – called “American Heartland” – is at the heart of the United States-with its small towns, Shopping Outlet Malls, and national parks.