Where is 506 area code? What area code is 506
Where is 506 area code?
506 – New Brunswick
What area code is 506
New Brunswick (engl.) or Nouveau-Brunswick (franz.), German, new Brunswick, is one of the three Maritime provinces of Canada, and the only officially bilingual province. It has about 751,171 inhabitants (2016). The capital is Fredericton.
New Brunswick is bordered to the north by Québec with the Gaspésie Peninsula, Chaleur bay and Prince Edward Island. In the East, the province borders the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Northumberland Strait. New Brunswick borders Nova Scotia to the South-East. At this point there is also the only navigable connection Nova Scotias to the American mainland. In the southwest, New Brunswick borders the U.S. border and the U.S. State of Maine.