What ethnicity is an Albanian?
What ethnicity is an Albanian? – Albania country is location South Europa. It have border neighbors Serbia (in the north west), Macedonia (in the east), Greece (in the south), Montenegro (in the north). Therefore, located Adriatic Sea (in the western part of the country), Ionian Sea (in the south western part of the country).
Where is Albania?
Albania country is manages with a unitary parliamentary republic. It is consist are 12 administrative districts, 36 provinces and 61 municipalities. Tiran is capital city of Albania and officially language Albanian. Therefore, among most common spoke language are English, Italian and Greek in the country. Albania who is a secular a country, while believed religion Muslim percent 56 of the country’s population, unbeliever (percent 14), Catholic Christian (percent 10), Orthodox (percent 7), atheist (percent 2.5), rest of country believed another religion.
Summer season hottest, winter seasons are light rain and medium temperature in the Albania Because of the Mediterranean climate. You can find to fly from everywhere to capital city Tiran.