What Continent is Zimbabwe in?
Is Zimbabwe in Asia or Africa?
Zimbabwe is a small country in south-east Africa with no outlet to the sea; it borders Mozambique to the east and north-east, Zambia to the north-west, Botsana to the south-west and South Africa to the south. Along the border with Zambia, the Zambezi River first originates at Victoria Falls and then flows into Lake Kariba, one of the largest artificial reservoirs in the world.
Zimbabw The country is divided into highlands, middle altitudes and plains to the north and south, through which the Sambesi and Limpopo flow. To the west, on the border with Zambia, are the Victoria Falls. The climate is mild. The land, in which granite predominates, can only be partly exploited for agriculture.
Inhabitants 14.1 Million. (Italy: 60.7 Million.)
Life expectancy 60 Years (I: 80 Years)
Infant mortality 90 out of 1,000 (I: 5 out of 1,000)
GNP * * per capita 680 USD (I: 35,540 USD)
Literacy rate Women k.A., Men k. A.
Area 390,580 sq km, (I: 301,338 sq km)
Capital Harare
National languages English, Shona, Ndebele
Religion Christianity (ca. 60%) local religions